About Maze

Red Herring In 1985, an unnaturally beautiful and impossibly difficult puzzle was unleashed upon the world in the form of a picture book: MAZE, by Christopher Manson. Though greatly scrutinized, the book was little understood, and a contest to solve its central riddle was completed only upon distribution of explicit hints by the publisher. The bulk of the book remained mysterious.

Mazecast Wiki

New project to make nagivating the books, related videos, and Talk pages easier.

About Mazecast

Mazecast is a Youtube channel containing discussions and spoilers about rooms in MAZE.

Mazecast is a continuing series of videos by a small group of people to discuss, argue, and ultimately solve the puzzles within the compendium. Without confirmation from Manson, Mazecast members would prostrate their solutions to the other members, and would be approved or rejected, more or less, by common vote and reason. Mazecast is an open community, and no obligations are asked of you, except to appear in at least one video, at least in an audial capacity.

SPOILER ALERT. If you are looking to solve MAZE on your own, this site contains numerous spoilers. This might ruin the book for you, or you might relish in knowing the work has been done.

The First Maze Resources

In the early days of newsgroups/usenet, several people made posts about MAZE, dumbfounded and with sporatic questions and answers. Later, in the 2000s, fans of MAZE began to collect, compile, and share their insights using the same medium (usenet). In the initial exchanges of information, much was learned, but not much was solved through further collaboration. Within a few years the dust had settled again, and MAZE was still almost entirely inexplicable. John Bailey’s Maze archive site was the first comprehensive (for its time) site on MAZE, and to this day contains some of the most valuable insight.

About The Abyss and White Raven

Into The Abyss is the place to read on user-submitted solutions.

“Into the Abyss” is a website started by White Raven in 2013, meant to compile Maze clues and solutions submitted by users, and “approved” by White Raven. In mid 2015, White Raven made users aware that he planned to no longer post on the site or give answers to further questions exactly 45 months after the inception of the site (which was Sept 2013).