
A Maze Suite by Hello Gregor!

I don't know if you've heard of Patreon, but for bossy people who harbour Medici-esque aspirations without the benefit of Medici-esque cash flow (people like myself, in other words) it is a dream come true.

Therefore, I was thrilled to become a patron of Hello Gregor-a name you probably remember from early Mazecasts and the Abyss, if you're following along-and he has been composing, performing, and recording fantastic Maze-inspired pieces to delight me (as well as himself, I hope). Here are the first three, so that you can be delighted as well! (I included the lyrics because they are very clever and I find it hard to enjoy a song completely without knowing all the lyrics.)

There's no 1 in three
There's 3 1's in three
This pitchfork has 3 tines
But any fork will do
It's Peking, baby
We get to use chop-sticks

That hat might be a dragon looking back at past discomfort if uncomfortable is how we used to feel. Or we doffed it when we too were looking backward and lost it while wa/ondering about the coils.

Life's unstable
Licking at the coals
Is it going or coming?
When's it going to end?

When that hat is lifted
Rise from that chair
Wearing stripes and a swollen ankle

Move with me tonight
The smoke is rising
Move with me tonight
The smoke is silent

That hat might be a dragon looking back at past discomfort if uncomfortable is how we used to feel.
Or we doffed it when we too were looking backward and lost it while wa/ondering about the coils.

First it's breathing, then it's teething. It's a struggle to, at first, sit up.
There is bad news and there is no news. Better stay out of the paper. When it's time, sit up.
Don't walk again yet no don't walk again yet no. Don't walk again yet until you first sit up.
Moldy paper, crumpled, unheard - there are no right words until you first sit down.
Would you look at this mess? Jeans distressed - place is full of vermin. Where's your mind at soldier?
Were you born here?/Are you bored here? (simultaneous)
Sit up straight! Point your shoes! Chin up! Turn those shoulders! Tuck in! Good! Very good! Impressive!
You are so cute! Yes you are! Oh yes you are! Here comes your nummins.... Stand at attention!

We raise our cups to a silent spring
Salute the curtain where moistures rise
Clasp our hands in caroling
Rock our infant's cry
We need our sleep and there's a mountain there
We feed our sheep their trappings
Keep it trim, keep it hair
Dirt is Sisyphean business

<Improvised riff on the first verse follows>

A Hole Rudely Broken (inspired by Room 32)

Rejoice in the human body. Praise be to these legs that push up from the earth, that bring us closer to the sun.
Hosanna, Hosanna is the sailors' song looking down into the water at sailors swimming. Before boats became expensive, holy humankind held hands without geometry and didn't need a boat.
Blessed be! We need an ocean like a hole in a dog's head or lapping up silver or a dog.

Look into the dark-see how that dog worries?
In the dark. Observe the invention of the chair!
What was once a stump is now a grand necessity prompting captains of industry to stand tall on factories; bending wood to the shape of their spine.

Oh holy spine! Almighty spine! Glorious spine!
Brilliant eye look away back to a past of no tomorrows, no cognizance of sorrows to impeach the lifespan.
Wink once if you're rolling back, twice if you can't hear me tell you this song's sung as the sun sets in the holes in the mind of the one true humankind! Who will stand like this forever throwing caution to the wind and arms to the whims of harmony.

You can find out more about Hello Gregor's work-and become a Patron yourself-on his Patreon page!

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