
Announcing Birdfinder

I don't usually plug my software projects here, but this one may be of interest to MazeCast followers.

As you know, Maze contains many birds. Keeping track of them all is a daunting task for the best of us. So I got to thinking: Why not let technology keep track for us?

I am proud to announce that this has been accomplished. I present to you:
Maze Birdfinder

Give it a try, and I think you won't ever want to go back to birdfinding the old-fashioned way. And please leave a comment if you have feature requests, or if you encounter any bird errors. (I've tested pretty thoroughly, but you never know!)


"Hands down the best MAZE bird finder I have ever seen!" - White Raven

"I can't stop using it!" - Aria

"If you think of the Maze as a machine, confusion is its product. Maze Birdfinder is the first service to remove that confusion." - The Guide

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